Sunday, 17 November 2013

Forget Regrets–Embrace Your Experiences!

We all have stories that make us smile and others that we prefer to forget. We all have experienced personal and professional ups and downs. This is part of the human experience and we should appreciate every moment.

Do not regret the past, as difficult as that may be. The past is behind you with nothing but knowledge in its wake. You can’t change the past, so why not make it an educational tool no different than when you first learned to ride a bike?

Do not be disappointed or discouraged about today. Today is temporary and tomorrow is on its way. Tough times are palatable and surmountable when you look at them from this vantage point.

Do not feel that you are alone in any obstacles that you may be experiencing. You are not alone, for many have struggled in similar ways and their stories abound. Look at it this way; success and failure all have the same byproduct – “wisdom.” Wisdom is a gift gained from the past that serves as the foundation of our future, and if you share it with others, you are helping them on their life’s journey as well.

Share your stories and pay forward your wisdom. Hearing stories of perseverance gives people hope. Such narratives tell people that they are not alone and that they will ultimately prevail.

You are valuable in every sense of the word. What you have already accomplished on this planet is inspirational and motivational to others around the globe. So remember… we are all mentors just by the sheer impression of our footsteps.

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