Friday, 19 July 2013

21 One-Minute Weight Loss Tricks

If you've ever tried to lose weight (and who hasn't), you've got to be mindful of whose advice you take. Your colleague says you need to cut out carbs. Your gym buddy knows the secret is to stop eating after 7 p.m. Your Facebook friend swears she’ll be in swimsuit shape by March if she only eats once a day. Your husband, well, he sneezes and the weight seems to fall off.

But do any of these tips really work? To help you shed those extra pounds—and keep them off—without starving yourself, ditching your social life, or eating only at odd times of the day, we talked to experienced nutritionists for real-world advice you can actually live with, day in and day out. We'll tell you how to focus on the delicious foods you can add to your diet, why you should be eating more often (yes!), the fat loss benefits of more sleep, and how even taking a few deep breaths can put you on a successful path to weight loss.

Here, the 25 best diet tips of all time. Say buh-bye to hunger and hello skinny jeans.

1. Never get too hungry - plan meals and snacks in advance

2. Be honest about your daily calorie allowance 

3. Eat right post-workout

4. Use the red, orange and green rule - By focusing on these foods, you'll be sure to get some produce on your plate and won't have space on your plate for higher-calorie fare.

5. Eat one less bite - Doing this at every meal could save about 75 calories a day which equates to nearly an 8-pound weight loss in one year!

6. Be a heavy drinker - Of Water! 

7. Kick the salt habit - Salt can also make you feel hungrier and thirstier.

8. Spice up your food - Adding hot spices to your meals can help curb hunger.

9. Don't think diet soda will help you lose weight

10. Focus on nutrient balance instead of calorie counting

11. Plate food away from where you're eating - By keeping food within eyesight as you are eating, you may find yourself reaching for a second helping even if you really aren't hungry. 

12. Keep a food record - tracking your mood and appetite can be helpful and insightful into learning about your eating patterns as well!

13. Start with soup - People who ate a low-calorie vegetable soup before a meal consumed 20% fewer calories at the meal, according to research from Penn State University.

14. Take your time - It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to send a message to your brain that you have eaten enough and are satisfied. 

15. Outsmart your hunger hormone - Our bodies secrete a hormone called ghrelin, which controls hunger and drives our appetite. Ghrelin will also spike if we're deprived of carbs, so it's important to give our bodies and brains the carb fuel they need. When we skip meals or avoid carbs, we're inviting ghrelin to spike, which increases and makes us feel emotionally hungry. It makes us crave sugar and can derail even the healthiest eating routine.

16. Dine anytime - It's a myth that you'll gain weight as a direct result of eating after 7 p.m. You should eat 70% of your calories before dinnertime and 30% at dinner, whatever time that may be. Just give yourself at least 90 minutes to end your meal before you plan to go to sleep. You need at least 90 minutes to digest so you can sleep comfortably. 

17. Set a date with your kitchen - when it comes to weight loss we need to devote 80% of our efforts to nutrition and 20% to exercise.

18. Breathe away cravings - Deep breaths of that kind take you out of your immersion in momentary stress, oxygenate your brain and tissues, and they help to reduce stress hormones. 

19. Eat before a party or event - Have a light snack before you go to an event so you don’t arrive ravenous.

20. Be adventurous with chopsticks - they can act as a reminder to slow down, savor and chew consciously which may help you realize you’re fuller sooner than you thought you’d be and then wind up eating less!

21. Wear fitted clothing - The elastic waistband is the dieter's fashion enemy number one. When you wear clothes that fit well and make you feel good, you have awareness gauges that give you clear signals to help you put on the brakes as you fill up. 

22. Celebrate healthy talk - Instead of using words like "fat," say "fit"; change "can't" to "can"; "weak" to "strong"; "unhealthy" to "healthy." It takes practice but it can start to rewire how you think about your health and weight goals.

23. Eat breakfast without fail Shoot for a minimum of 250 calories and aim to get a serving of protein in so you’ll feel fuller longer.

24. Take 10 minutes to eat a treat

25. Sleep away weight gain - Scientists asked participants to sleep about 10 hours a night for two days, followed by five nights of sleep restriction and four nights of recovery. After the 11 days, the sleep-deprived group gained almost 3 pounds, compared with a well-rested control group.

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